SINGLE LADIES Fever to the Extreme
Friday, April 17, 2009
Mga bayot boang na way mabuhat
Imagine what people do for that shot of fame.... and I am entertained....
With Jermaine and Kreole...
With Mario, Eric, Jermaine, and Londres....
It Ends Tonight
Saturday, April 04, 2009
The chances I took for him had me on my knees, but you'll never see me beg. Go and die alone, I'm not coming with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I knew this is coming, I just never thought that it would be this soon.
IT was too much to handle... Thank GOD I had this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I realized that......
I'm not Cinderalla and he ain't PRINCE CHARMING, And This is not My Happy ENDING
Friday, April 03, 2009
I was bloghopping today and I bumped into my friend's blog. There's nobody in this world that could compare what he had been through. I admired his strength for throwing his pride towards the guy, but I found this conversation between them quite funny... I'm sorry C.
one morning....
me: good morning D, can i ask you a question?
no reply....
one day passed by....
two days....
that afternoon...
him: hi C! sori now lang ko ka reply. wats ur question diay? (hey c sorry, If I just replied to your message, what were u asking again?)
ignored him...
that night...
me: hi D! are you busy?
him: no. wats ur question diay?
me: hmmm what would you say if i told you i liked you? i really liked you?
him: salamat (thank you)
me: that's it?!
him: yep...salamat kaayu!(thank you so much)
me: uhh can we go out sometime?
him: pass lang ko ana C. (ill pass)