Still Got Things To Do

Thursday, February 29, 2024

 Feeling a bit lost lately, you know? Not really sure where I'm headed or what I'm supposed to be doing. But one thing's for sure: I've got this list of things in my head that I'm dying to do, and I don't want to look back and regret not doing them.

Life's been throwing me curveballs left and right, and it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind. But deep down, I've got this burning desire to tick off all those things on my bucket list.

So, here's the plan: I'm gonna start living life on my terms, chasing after those dreams that light me up inside. Yeah, it's scary, and I don't have all the answers, but I'd rather take a leap of faith than wonder 'what if' later on.

So, here's to embracing the unknown, seizing every chance that comes my way, and making the most out of every moment. Life's too short to play it safe, right? Let's do this!

Guilt Makes You Human

Thursday, February 15, 2024


Guilt is like that gentle tap on your shoulder, whispering, "Hey, something's not right." It's that internal alarm system signaling when we've veered off course from our moral roadmap. But instead of viewing it as a burdensome weight, let's see guilt for what it truly is—a messenger with something important to say about our actions and their impact.

Think of guilt as a friend nudging you towards introspection. When it shows up, it's urging us to pause and reflect. What led to this feeling? What did we do or say that didn't align with who we want to be? By listening to our guilt, we gain valuable insights into our own intentions and behaviors.

Moreover, guilt reminds us of our responsibility. It's that little voice gently reminding us that our actions have consequences. It encourages us to own up to our mistakes and face the music. Taking accountability isn't always easy, but it's an essential part of being human.

But here's the beautiful part—guilt doesn't just leave us hanging. It inspires us to make amends and strive for growth. It's like a catalyst for positive change, nudging us towards better decisions and actions in the future. When we acknowledge our missteps and commit to doing better, that's when guilt transforms into a force for good.

Of course, not all guilt is created equal. There's the healthy kind, nudging us towards growth and understanding. Then there's the toxic kind, weighing us down with unnecessary self-blame and shame. Learning to discern between the two is crucial for our mental and emotional well-being.

So, let's embrace guilt as part of our shared human experience. Instead of pushing it away, let's welcome it as a reminder of our capacity for empathy, growth, and change. Next time you feel that pang of guilt, take a moment to listen. It might just lead you towards a deeper understanding of yourself and others, paving the way for a more compassionate and authentic life journey.

Believe in Yourself

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Have you ever felt like everyone around you has it all figured out while you're still trying to navigate through life's uncertainties? It's a sentiment many of us in our 20s can relate to. But here's a gentle reminder from a conversation I had with my mom recently that I think we all could benefit from hearing:

She shared with me that when you're in your 20s, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that everyone else has it better - they're smarter, more successful, and have everything under control. But as you journey through life, you come to realize that this belief couldn't be further from the truth.

The truth is, not everyone is better than you. Not everyone is doing more, not everyone is smarter, and not everyone has it all handled. It's a realization that may take time to sink in, but it's a valuable one.

So, let's make a pact to stop selling ourselves short. Let's embrace the journey of learning and growth, knowing that we're not alone in feeling this way. Whether you're in your 20s, younger, or older, it's never too late to adopt this mindset.

Let's work on believing in ourselves a little more each day and supporting each other along the way. Because when we realize our own worth, the possibilities are endless. #BelieveInYourself #YouAreEnough


How to Stay Unbothered!

Friday, February 02, 2024

In a world filled with opinions and expectations, staying unbothered can be a powerful tool for maintaining your peace of mind. Here are nine principles to help you navigate through life with grace and resilience:

Speak with Purpose: Choose your words wisely and avoid unnecessary chatter. By saying only what is necessary, you maintain control over your narrative and minimize the risk of misunderstandings.

Balance Emotion and Intelligence: Emotions are a natural part of the human experience, but allowing them to overpower your intelligence can lead to impulsive decisions. Strive for a balance that allows you to respond thoughtfully, even in challenging situations.

Manage Expectations: Lowering your expectations of others can shield you from potential disappointments. Focus on your own standards and goals, allowing others the space to be themselves.

Let Success Speak Loudly: Instead of engaging in unnecessary arguments or seeking validation, let your accomplishments and success be your voice. A track record of achievements often speaks louder than words.

Stop Pleasing Everyone: Recognize that opinions are subjective, and trying to please everyone is an impossible task. Focus on your values, and surround yourself with those who appreciate you for who you are.

Turn Haters into Fans: Remember that not everyone will support or understand your journey. Embrace the fact that even your critics are paying attention. Let their negativity fuel your determination and success.

The Power of "NO": Saying "no" is a powerful act of self-preservation. Learn to set boundaries and prioritize your well-being. It's okay to decline requests that do not align with your values or goals.

Embrace Imperfection: Perfection is an unattainable standard. Instead of striving for flawlessness, focus on continuous improvement and personal growth. Embrace your imperfections as part of your unique journey.

Know Your Truth: Stay true to yourself, and be comfortable with the fact that not everyone will understand or believe your perspective. Your truth is valid, and your authenticity will resonate with those who matter.

As you navigate the complexities of life, these principles serve as a guide to help you remain unbothered, fostering resilience and tranquility in the face of external challenges.