
Sunday, July 21, 2024


Whenever you're in trouble and feel like doing something crazy, like wanting to kill someone, I won't help you actually do it, but I'd definitely help you hide the evidence. If you want to rob a bank, I won't go inside, but I'll be in the getaway car, probably figuring out how to drive it even if I can't. And if someone ever sues you, I can't afford to pay for your lawyer because I'm not rich, but I'd be happy to testify and lie for you. No questions asked.

The point is, if you ever feel like the world is against you, you shouldn't forget that I'd drop everything just to be there for you. You'll never have to feel alone. If you need space, I'll give you that, but don't take too long because I'll miss you. I love you more than I love myself.

When you're facing tough times and feeling overwhelmed, know that I'm your ride-or-die. If you ever need to escape from everything, I'll be right there with you, helping you find a way out. Even if we have to face the unknown, we'll do it together.

If you're ever feeling lost or unsure, remember that my love for you is constant and unchanging. I'll always be your safe haven, the one you can count on, no matter what. We might go through some rough patches, but with each other, we can handle anything.

When life gets tough and you feel like giving up, remember that I'm here to remind you of your strength. You're never alone in this journey, and I'll always be here to lift you up when you fall. Your happiness and well-being mean the world to me, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you feel loved and supported.

So, whenever you feel like the world is against you, don't forget that I'd drop everything to be there for you. You'll never have to face anything alone. If you need space, I'll give it to you, but don't take too long because I'll miss you like crazy. I love you more than myself, always and forever.

Maybe in Another Universe

Sunday, July 14, 2024


Maybe in another universe, if it's even true,

We could be together, intertwined like the stars.

All I know is that you are summer,

Brilliant, warm, and full of life,

And I am winter, quiet, cold, and lost without you.

In this universe, our paths crossed like a shooting star,

Brief and beautiful, leaving me in awe and longing.

Your laughter was the sunshine that melted my icy walls,

And my calm presence was the gentle breeze that cooled your passionate flame.

We were different, but that's what made it magic,

A perfect balance, a mesmerizing contrast.

Maybe in another universe, we found a way to be one,

Creating an endless spring,

Where warmth and coolness blended into pure perfection.

But now, here I am, in this universe, without you,

Feeling like a season out of place,

You, the vibrant summer I once held,

And me, the winter, forever longing for your touch.

In another universe, maybe we're still dancing,

Lost in love, lost in each other,

But in this one, all I have are memories,

And the hope that somewhere, somehow, our stars will align again.

Capitancillo Island Bogo City

Sunday, May 05, 2024

There’s something magical about Sundays at Capitancillo Island. As the week draws to a close and the weekend beckons, we pack our bags with anticipation, ready to escape to a slice of paradise. The sun, always eager to play its part, shines down with an intensity that paints everything in vibrant hues.

The journey begins with a boat ride, the sea breeze kissing our faces as we leave the shore behind. With each passing minute, the city's hustle fades into the background, replaced by the rhythmic sounds of waves against the boat. It’s as if the ocean itself is welcoming us, whispering secrets of the deep.

As we approach the island, its silhouette on the horizon grows clearer. Capitancillo, a gem in the ocean, boasts white sandy beaches that stretch lazily along the coastline. The sun, now at its zenith, bathes the island in golden light, creating a postcard-perfect scene that’s impossible to resist.

Setting foot on the warm sand, we’re greeted by a symphony of sights and sounds. Families picnic under colorful umbrellas, children build sandcastles with unwavering determination, and friends engage in lively beach games. The aroma of grilled seafood wafts through the air, tempting our taste buds and reminding us of the island's culinary delights.

The day unfolds leisurely. We swim in the crystal-clear waters, feeling weightless as we dive into the cool embrace of the sea. Snorkeling reveals a world beneath the surface, teeming with marine life and coral reefs that paint the ocean floor in a kaleidoscope of colors.

As afternoon approaches, we find solace in the shade of palm trees, sipping on refreshing coconut water straight from the source. The island’s tranquility is a balm for the soul, a reminder to slow down and savor the moment.

As the sun begins its descent, casting a warm glow over the horizon, we gather for a beachside barbecue. Freshly caught fish, grilled to perfection, becomes the centerpiece of a feast shared among friends. Laughter mingles with the crackling of bonfires, creating memories that will linger long after the day is done.

As we board the boat for the return journey, hearts full and skin kissed by the sun, we carry with us the essence of Capitancillo Island. Sundays here are more than just a getaway—they’re a celebration of life, nature, and the simple joys that make each moment precious.

Summer Fling 2.0

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Have you ever felt like life was meant to be carefree and easy, a constant cycle of working hard and playing harder? That's what they say, right? But sometimes, reality hits hard, and we find ourselves caught up in our emotions, navigating through love like it's a wild ride.

I used to approach love like I approached riding my bike—fearless, fast, and with a hint of danger. It felt exhilarating, just like basking under the scorching summer sun, enjoying the thrill of feeling alive and vibrant.

He was like the perfect summer day—fun, spontaneous, and full of laughter. Every moment with him felt like a joy ride, where I could let my guard down and embrace every bit of his quirky charm. He was my arm candy, someone who made life feel lighter and brighter.

But just like the heat of summer, our love burned hot and then faded away. Suddenly, there were no calls, no texts—just silence. It felt like the end of a season, where the warmth dissipates, leaving behind memories tinged with bittersweet longing.

He never promised a happily ever after, nor did he guarantee a tear-free journey. And as summer bid its farewell, I too had to let go of our fleeting romance.

Yet, amidst the goodbye, there's a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, on another hot summer day, our paths will cross again. Maybe love will find us once more, and we'll transcend beyond being just friends. Until that day comes, I'll cherish the memories, holding onto the image of your smile in my lonely heart.

No matter how good we were at faking it, deep down, it was love that we made. So goodbye, summer. Goodbye, summer fling. Until we meet again under the sun-kissed skies, I'll carry our love with me, a reminder of a season that once ignited my soul.

Be Gentle

Monday, April 08, 2024


Hello, lovely souls! 🌟 Today's topic is all about the beauty of gentleness. Life can throw us curveballs, and it's okay to stumble or face setbacks. What matters most is how we treat ourselves and others during these moments. Let's pledge to practice kindness and gentleness, banishing negative self-talk and replacing it with words of encouragement and compassion. Remember, we're all works in progress, and that's perfectly okay! 💖✨

Here are a few ways we can practice self-gentleness:

Positive Affirmations: Start your day with kind words to yourself. Remind yourself of your strengths and accomplishments.

Self-Compassion: Treat yourself like you would treat a friend going through a tough time. Offer yourself words of comfort and understanding.

Mindful Reflection: When faced with challenges or mistakes, reflect on them mindfully without judgment. See them as opportunities for growth rather than failures.

Self-Care Rituals: Take time to engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Whether it's a warm bath, a walk in nature, or simply practicing deep breathing, prioritize self-care.

Set Realistic Expectations: Be realistic with your goals and expectations. Celebrate progress, no matter how small, and be kind to yourself during setbacks.

I'd love to hear from you all in the comments. How do you practice gentleness in your daily life? Share your tips, stories, or simply spread some positivity to brighten someone's day. Let's create a space filled with kindness and support! 🌿 #Gentleness #KindnessMatters #PositiveVibesOnly #EngageWithLove #forthesoul


Wednesday, April 03, 2024


Hey Ghurl Hey! 🌟 So, I stumbled upon a trending post on Facebook and it got me thinking about something we all experience: that rush of joy when our posts light up with hearts and likes. It's like a digital pat on the back, right? 🥳

But let's take a step back and chat about what those likes really mean. Yes, they're awesome and make us feel seen, but they're not the whole story. Real validation comes from knowing your worth, embracing your quirks, and being proud of who you are, whether you're racking up likes or not.

Think of likes as the sprinkles on top of your fabulousness sundae! 🍨 They're fun, they add a little extra sweetness, but they don't define your awesomeness.

Instead of chasing likes, focus on creating connections, sharing your passions, and being authentically you. Be the trendsetter, the meme-master, the storyteller—whatever brings you joy and lets your light shine.

Remember, behind every screen is a real person with their own story. Spread positivity, lift each other up, and celebrate everyone's wins. That's where the real magic of social media happens!

So, next time you see those Facebook hearts popping up, smile and appreciate the love. But never forget that the most important approval comes from being proud of who you are, both online and offline. Keep shining bright, fam! ✨

Never too Late to Change

Tuesday, April 02, 2024

 In life, we often find ourselves feeling stuck, trapped in routines, habits, and mindsets that no longer serve us. We may have settled into a comfortable but uninspiring career, surrounded ourselves with a circle of acquaintances that don't challenge or uplift us, or simply lost sight of our dreams and aspirations along the way. However, the truth is, it's never too late to change.

Whether you're in your twenties, thirties, forties, or beyond, the power to transform your life lies within you. You have the ability to change your routine, your personality, your career, your focus, and your circle of influence. You can choose to break free from the confines of what is familiar and step into a new and fulfilling chapter of your life.

Changing your routine can be as simple as waking up an hour earlier to pursue a passion project, incorporating exercise into your daily schedule, or practicing mindfulness and gratitude to cultivate a more positive mindset. Small changes can lead to significant shifts over time.

Personality traits are not set in stone. You can work on developing qualities such as resilience, empathy, and assertiveness. Therapy, self-help books, and personal development courses are valuable tools that can aid in this journey of self-discovery and growth.

Your career is another area where change is possible. If you're feeling unfulfilled or stagnant in your current job, explore new opportunities, acquire new skills, or consider a career change altogether. It's never too late to pursue your passions and align your work with your values and interests.

Your focus determines your reality. Shift your focus from what's holding you back to what's possible. Set clear goals, create a vision board, and take consistent action towards manifesting your dreams. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Your circle of influence plays a crucial role in shaping your mindset and experiences. Surround yourself with positive, supportive individuals who inspire and challenge you to be your best self. Let go of toxic relationships and toxic patterns that no longer serve your growth and well-being.

In conclusion, change is inevitable and necessary for personal growth and fulfillment. Embrace the idea that it's never too late to change. Take ownership of your life, make conscious choices, and strive to do better each day. The power to transform lies within you.

Letting Go

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to unfriend someone who was once incredibly close to you? It's a difficult decision, no doubt. These are the people we never imagined our lives without, the ones we believed would always be by our side. Yet, as life unfolds, we sometimes realize that certain relationships no longer serve us. And that's okay.

Recently, I made the tough choice to unfriend friends who were once super close to me. These were individuals I shared countless memories with, people I believed I couldn't live without. It wasn't an easy process. There were moments of doubt, nostalgia, and even guilt. But looking back, I can confidently say that I don't regret cutting them out of my life.

Why? Because sometimes, despite the depth of a connection, we outgrow each other. Our priorities shift, our values evolve, and our paths diverge. It's a natural part of life's journey. What's important is recognizing when a relationship has run its course and having the courage to let go.

It's crucial to understand that not every person who enters our lives is meant to stay forever. Some are there to teach us valuable lessons, to help us grow, and then they gracefully exit when their role is fulfilled. And that's perfectly fine.

The act of unfriending doesn't diminish the significance of the moments shared or the love once felt. Instead, it acknowledges that we are constantly changing beings, and our social circles should reflect this growth. It's about prioritizing our mental and emotional well-being above the fear of losing someone familiar.

As we navigate through life, we encounter various relationships – some fleeting, some enduring. It's essential to cherish those who add value, positivity, and growth to our lives, while also recognizing when it's time to bid farewell to those who no longer align with our journey.

So, if you're grappling with the decision to let go of a close friend, remember this: It's okay to outgrow people. It's okay to prioritize your happiness and growth. And it's okay to create space for new connections that resonate with who you are becoming.

Ultimately, life is a series of comings and goings, and the beauty lies in embracing each chapter fully, even when it means saying goodbye to what once was.


Monday, March 25, 2024

 Today marked a monumental milestone in my life, something I've been working towards for a long time. As expected, many of my friends reached out with congratulations and words of encouragement, which meant the world to me. However, amidst the sea of positivity, there were also some unexpected voices – old acquaintances from years ago who chose this moment to spread hate rather than share in my joy.

It's been a decade since we last spoke, and in that time, our lives have taken us down vastly different paths. While I once considered these individuals to be close friends, it's evident now that our values, beliefs, and priorities have diverged significantly.

To those who chose to spread hate instead of celebrating with me, I want to extend a heartfelt message. I understand that hurt people often hurt others, and I hope you find healing from whatever pain or disappointment you're carrying. Life is too short to hold onto grudges or project negativity onto others.

As I bask in the glow of this milestone, I choose to focus on the love and support surrounding me, letting go of any lingering negativity from the past. Here's to growth, success, and positivity for us all.

The Struggle I Was Living the Past Month

Friday, March 22, 2024

 In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to get caught up in the search for meaning, purpose, and grand achievements. We often set lofty goals for ourselves, chasing after success, validation, and recognition. However, amidst this quest for significance, we may overlook the true essence of life—the simple, yet profound moments that make up our existence.

The reality is, there is no predetermined "meaning" to life waiting to be discovered. There's no checklist of accomplishments we must fulfill to deem our lives worthy. Instead, life unfolds in the ordinary moments—the moments when we pause to breathe deeply, to love wholeheartedly, to be kind, and to fully immerse ourselves in the present.

Think about the joy that lights up your heart when you share a genuine laugh with your best friend, the warmth of a smile exchanged with a friendly cashier, or the excitement of diving into a new book that sparks your curiosity. These are the moments that often go unnoticed or underappreciated in our relentless pursuit of bigger goals.

Being present in the here and now allows us to savor life's beauty in its purest form. It's about cultivating mindfulness and awareness, tuning in to our senses, and appreciating the intricacies of each moment. When we embrace the present moment, we open ourselves up to a world of wonder and gratitude.

So, instead of constantly chasing after the next big thing or searching for a grand purpose, let's shift our focus to the present moment. Let's be fully engaged in whatever we're doing, whether it's sipping a cup of coffee, taking a walk in nature, or having a meaningful conversation with a loved one.

By being here and now, we can find fulfillment and joy in the simplicity of life. It's about living with intention, cherishing the little things, and finding beauty in the everyday moments that make life truly meaningful. So take a deep breath, look around, and appreciate the wonder that surrounds you right here, right now.