Happy Fiesta Argawanon San Remigio 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012

Part 1: Commencement Exercise

Part 2: Tobma!!

Let the Pictures do the talking..

Leuvick Jann is the MAN

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Girls, Don't be fooled by his pretty face coz he's a bad BOY

Sometimes I want to dare him to put on a helmet, take a ride in a car, lick the windows and look at the faces of the people sitting in the cars passing by.

Seriously though, for the past weeks that I was hangin out with him I could say that he is the type that wont say no to something he hasn't tried. He won't object to his hands and feet being tied down and drag him all around town. He is AWESOMENESS!!

Guiwanon Cold Spring- Tabogon, Cebu

It was a hot Sunday morning and we are all bored. So we decided to go to Guiwanon Cold Spring to cool off the rest of the day.