Malapascua Island, Daanbantayan Cebu, ISLAND GUIDE

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

How to get there?

  • Flight to Cebu City: Malapascua Island is located in the northern part of Cebu province. So, your first step is to book a flight to Mactan-Cebu International Airport (CEB), which is the main airport serving Cebu City.
  • Transfer to Maya Port: From the airport, you need to travel to Maya Port, which is the jump-off point for boats heading to Malapascua Island. You can take a taxi or a private van to get there. The journey usually takes around 3-4 hours, depending on traffic.
  • Boat to Malapascua Island: Once you reach Maya Port, you'll need to take a boat to Malapascua Island. The boat ride usually takes around 30 minutes to an hour, depending on weather conditions.

K + D 2023

Monday, July 24, 2023

My Chat GPT speech.

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and most importantly, the beautiful couple Kathryn Jane Aton and Dean Melvin Acenas! Today, we gather here to celebrate not only the union of two amazing souls

Kathryn, my dear friend, I remember the day we met like it was yesterday. You were juggling a hundred things, from school works to life, and somehow managed to keep a smile on your face. Well, today, you're still juggling, except now, you've added Dean  pepay and sisi to the mix. And let me tell you, Dean, you're in for a wild ride! But don't worry, I'll be there to catch you if you stumble—unless it's during the bouquet toss. We leave that to charlene

Kathryn and Dean, as you embark on this journey together as husband and wife, remember to keep the laughter alive. It's laughter that will get you through those sleepless nights, the chaotic mornings, and the endless diaper changes. And hey, if all else fails, just remember to blame it on the kids!

To Kathryn and Dean, may your marriage be as enduring as your laughter, as adventurous as your spirits, and as everlasting as the memory of this joyous celebration! Cheers!


Sometimes We Just Have to Say Goodbye

Monday, May 22, 2023

Friendship is a beautiful bond that enriches our lives, providing support, laughter, and companionship. However, as we journey through life, it's not uncommon for friendships to evolve and change. Sometimes, without any fights or conflicts, friendships can peacefully grow apart. While it can be a bittersweet experience, it's important to understand that these changes are a natural part of life's ebb and flow. 

Friendships, like any other relationship, go through various stages. What once seemed inseparable and all-encompassing may begin to shift over time. People grow, priorities change, and interests diverge. It's crucial to recognize these stages and understand that friendships naturally ebb and flow as we progress through life's different chapters.

As we mature, our priorities and interests evolve. Friendships that were initially built on shared experiences and commonalities may find themselves drifting apart as individuals embark on different paths. Whether it's career aspirations, personal relationships, or newfound passions, it's important to appreciate that personal growth can lead to friendships naturally shifting.

Friendships are often built on shared experiences and memories. As life takes its course, individuals may find themselves engaged in different activities, meeting new people, and developing new interests. Gradually, the common ground that once served as the foundation of the friendship may diminish, resulting in a sense of growing apart.

One of the key ingredients in maintaining any relationship is effective communication. However, as friendships naturally change, communication patterns may also shift. Busy schedules, new commitments, or simply drifting interests can lead to less frequent conversations and interactions. Without proactive effort, this reduced communication can contribute to the gradual fading of the friendship

It's essential to understand that friendships growing apart is not a reflection of personal shortcomings or failures. Change is an inevitable part of life, and as friendships evolve, it's important to embrace the new experiences and connections that come along. By acknowledging that friendships can peacefully grow apart, we can cultivate a mindset of acceptance and gratitude for the memories shared.

While it may be difficult to let go of a cherished friendship, it's important to recognize the opportunities for new connections that lie ahead. As we navigate through life, we encounter countless individuals with whom we can forge new bonds. By actively seeking out and nurturing new relationships, we open ourselves up to the potential for new friendships that align with our current values and interests.

Friendships growing apart can be a bittersweet experience, but it's important to remember that change is a natural part of life. By understanding the reasons behind friendships evolving, embracing the change, and nurturing new connections, we can navigate this process with grace and gratitude. Cherish the memories shared, and be open to the new friendships that await on the horizon.


Beach with Friends

Monday, May 01, 2023

"Life is better with sand between your toes and friends by your side."

Gettin Mine

Monday, April 24, 2023


Gather round my friends, let me tell you a tale about a wild night filled with laughter, drinks, and unforgettable memories.

It all started with a simple idea of getting together for a few drinks, but it quickly escalated into a night filled with fun and laughter. We gathered at our favorite bar, greeted each other with hugs, and toasted to good times and great company.

As the night went on, we ordered round after round of drinks, and the conversations flowed effortlessly. We shared stories, jokes, and laughed until our sides hurt. The music was blasting, and we danced like no one was watching.

At one point, we even convinced the bartender to join us in a group karaoke session. We belted out our favorite tunes, and the entire bar was cheering us on. It was a night filled with so much joy and positive energy.

As the night drew to a close, we stumbled out of the bar, arm in arm, and promised to do it again soon. We hugged each other goodbye, knowing that we had just made memories that we would never forget.

Days later, we still talk about that night and how much fun we had. We reminisce about the jokes, the laughter, and the good times we shared. It's moments like these that remind us how important it is to spend time with the people we love and cherish.

So, here's to many more nights of drinking, laughing, and creating unforgettable memories with my favorite people. Cheers!

Prioritize your Mental Health

Thursday, March 30, 2023

 Just a thought.

People told me that I don’t act my age, that Im too loud, that Im obnoxious, that I seem to have no religion at all.

First of all, My religion is between me and God. Its personal. I believe that when Jesus died on the cross he never appointed you as his living successor here on earth. I also believe that he asked us to repent for our sins for he died because of it and being judgemental is one of them.

Second. During the pandemic I prioritized my mental health and Im still doing it. In fact I want to masters school for it. I learned to love myself more and I couldnt be anybody else other than me. And because I learned to love myself more. I cut off people that wasnt good for me, people that would only talk to me if they need a fast track line from work, people that was only there for me when all is good. I lost a lot of people. The younger me would have been devasted but the me now is happy. Few friends used to be a bad thing but now few is great. Few is the best.

thank you few people 🩷🩷🩷🩷