Letting Go

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to unfriend someone who was once incredibly close to you? It's a difficult decision, no doubt. These are the people we never imagined our lives without, the ones we believed would always be by our side. Yet, as life unfolds, we sometimes realize that certain relationships no longer serve us. And that's okay.

Recently, I made the tough choice to unfriend friends who were once super close to me. These were individuals I shared countless memories with, people I believed I couldn't live without. It wasn't an easy process. There were moments of doubt, nostalgia, and even guilt. But looking back, I can confidently say that I don't regret cutting them out of my life.

Why? Because sometimes, despite the depth of a connection, we outgrow each other. Our priorities shift, our values evolve, and our paths diverge. It's a natural part of life's journey. What's important is recognizing when a relationship has run its course and having the courage to let go.

It's crucial to understand that not every person who enters our lives is meant to stay forever. Some are there to teach us valuable lessons, to help us grow, and then they gracefully exit when their role is fulfilled. And that's perfectly fine.

The act of unfriending doesn't diminish the significance of the moments shared or the love once felt. Instead, it acknowledges that we are constantly changing beings, and our social circles should reflect this growth. It's about prioritizing our mental and emotional well-being above the fear of losing someone familiar.

As we navigate through life, we encounter various relationships – some fleeting, some enduring. It's essential to cherish those who add value, positivity, and growth to our lives, while also recognizing when it's time to bid farewell to those who no longer align with our journey.

So, if you're grappling with the decision to let go of a close friend, remember this: It's okay to outgrow people. It's okay to prioritize your happiness and growth. And it's okay to create space for new connections that resonate with who you are becoming.

Ultimately, life is a series of comings and goings, and the beauty lies in embracing each chapter fully, even when it means saying goodbye to what once was.


Monday, March 25, 2024

 Today marked a monumental milestone in my life, something I've been working towards for a long time. As expected, many of my friends reached out with congratulations and words of encouragement, which meant the world to me. However, amidst the sea of positivity, there were also some unexpected voices – old acquaintances from years ago who chose this moment to spread hate rather than share in my joy.

It's been a decade since we last spoke, and in that time, our lives have taken us down vastly different paths. While I once considered these individuals to be close friends, it's evident now that our values, beliefs, and priorities have diverged significantly.

To those who chose to spread hate instead of celebrating with me, I want to extend a heartfelt message. I understand that hurt people often hurt others, and I hope you find healing from whatever pain or disappointment you're carrying. Life is too short to hold onto grudges or project negativity onto others.

As I bask in the glow of this milestone, I choose to focus on the love and support surrounding me, letting go of any lingering negativity from the past. Here's to growth, success, and positivity for us all.

The Struggle I Was Living the Past Month

Friday, March 22, 2024

 In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to get caught up in the search for meaning, purpose, and grand achievements. We often set lofty goals for ourselves, chasing after success, validation, and recognition. However, amidst this quest for significance, we may overlook the true essence of life—the simple, yet profound moments that make up our existence.

The reality is, there is no predetermined "meaning" to life waiting to be discovered. There's no checklist of accomplishments we must fulfill to deem our lives worthy. Instead, life unfolds in the ordinary moments—the moments when we pause to breathe deeply, to love wholeheartedly, to be kind, and to fully immerse ourselves in the present.

Think about the joy that lights up your heart when you share a genuine laugh with your best friend, the warmth of a smile exchanged with a friendly cashier, or the excitement of diving into a new book that sparks your curiosity. These are the moments that often go unnoticed or underappreciated in our relentless pursuit of bigger goals.

Being present in the here and now allows us to savor life's beauty in its purest form. It's about cultivating mindfulness and awareness, tuning in to our senses, and appreciating the intricacies of each moment. When we embrace the present moment, we open ourselves up to a world of wonder and gratitude.

So, instead of constantly chasing after the next big thing or searching for a grand purpose, let's shift our focus to the present moment. Let's be fully engaged in whatever we're doing, whether it's sipping a cup of coffee, taking a walk in nature, or having a meaningful conversation with a loved one.

By being here and now, we can find fulfillment and joy in the simplicity of life. It's about living with intention, cherishing the little things, and finding beauty in the everyday moments that make life truly meaningful. So take a deep breath, look around, and appreciate the wonder that surrounds you right here, right now.

The Love of a Friend

Sunday, March 17, 2024

In a world where self-sufficiency is often glorified and independence is hailed as a virtue, we sometimes overlook the profound beauty of helping others, especially when that help comes from a place of struggle. It's easy to forget that the act of helping is not just about solving a problem or offering a solution; it's about extending a hand, sharing burdens, and connecting on a deeper level. When someone helps you despite their own struggles, that transcends mere assistance – it becomes an act of love.

Imagine a friend who is going through a tough time themselves, battling their own demons and facing challenges at every turn. Yet, amidst their own struggles, they find the strength and compassion to reach out to you, to offer a listening ear, a comforting embrace, or practical support. In those moments, it's not just about the help they provide; it's about the love that drives their actions.

Love, in its purest form, is selfless. It's about putting others before oneself, about caring deeply and unconditionally. When someone extends help while they are struggling, it's a testament to the power of empathy and kindness. It's a reminder that we are all interconnected, that our joys and sorrows are shared, and that true strength lies in our ability to support each other through the storms of life.

Think about the times when you've received help from someone who was going through their own challenges. Perhaps it was a family member juggling multiple responsibilities yet still finding time to lend a helping hand. Maybe it was a colleague at work who offered guidance despite their own workload and pressures. Or it could have been a stranger on the street who showed unexpected kindness when you needed it most.

These acts of love, disguised as help, have a profound impact. They remind us that despite our differences and individual struggles, we are bound by our humanity and our capacity to care. They teach us that vulnerability is not a weakness but a gateway to deeper connections and meaningful relationships.

Next time someone helps you, especially when they are facing their own battles, take a moment to recognize the love behind their actions. Express gratitude not just for the assistance but for the empathy, understanding, and compassion that accompanies it. And remember, in a world that often emphasizes self-reliance, the true essence of love shines brightest when we reach out to each other, hand in hand, through the highs and lows of life.

Friends vs. Acquaintances

Sunday, March 10, 2024


Today, someone asked me a profound question: How do I differentiate between friends and acquaintances? It struck me, and I found myself reflecting on the subtle yet significant distinction. In response, I found myself saying, 'It's all about access.'

My friends? They're the ones who have the backstage pass to my life – my thoughts, my feelings, all the good stuff. They're like VIPs in my world, you know? We're tight.

But acquaintances? They're cool and all, but they're more like the folks you meet at a party or in class. We vibe, but it's not like we're swapping deep secrets or anything. It's all surface-level stuff.

I'm not dissing acquaintances though – they add flavor to my life, for sure. It's just that the level of closeness is, like, different.

So, when someone asks me how I tell the diff, I just say it's about the level of access. Friends get the all-access pass, while acquaintances are more like general admission. Both are awesome, but in their own way, you know?

How do you separate your friends from acquaintances?

It Will Get Better

Saturday, March 02, 2024

 Life has a funny way of throwing challenges at us, doesn’t it? Sometimes it feels like they come pouring down all at once, like a sudden rainstorm after days of sunshine. In those moments, it can be hard to see anything positive, but that’s precisely when we need to dig deep and look for the silver lining.

Every challenge, every obstacle, is an opportunity for growth and learning. They teach us resilience, patience, and strength we never knew we had. They push us out of our comfort zones and force us to adapt and evolve. And when we come out on the other side, we’re always a little wiser, a little stronger, than we were before.

So, when life throws its curveballs, instead of getting bogged down by them, let’s try to embrace them as opportunities for growth. Let’s ask ourselves: What can I learn from this? How can I come out of this stronger? Because in the end, it’s not about the challenges themselves, but how we choose to face them that truly defines us.

Still Got Things To Do

Thursday, February 29, 2024

 Feeling a bit lost lately, you know? Not really sure where I'm headed or what I'm supposed to be doing. But one thing's for sure: I've got this list of things in my head that I'm dying to do, and I don't want to look back and regret not doing them.

Life's been throwing me curveballs left and right, and it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind. But deep down, I've got this burning desire to tick off all those things on my bucket list.

So, here's the plan: I'm gonna start living life on my terms, chasing after those dreams that light me up inside. Yeah, it's scary, and I don't have all the answers, but I'd rather take a leap of faith than wonder 'what if' later on.

So, here's to embracing the unknown, seizing every chance that comes my way, and making the most out of every moment. Life's too short to play it safe, right? Let's do this!

Guilt Makes You Human

Thursday, February 15, 2024


Guilt is like that gentle tap on your shoulder, whispering, "Hey, something's not right." It's that internal alarm system signaling when we've veered off course from our moral roadmap. But instead of viewing it as a burdensome weight, let's see guilt for what it truly is—a messenger with something important to say about our actions and their impact.

Think of guilt as a friend nudging you towards introspection. When it shows up, it's urging us to pause and reflect. What led to this feeling? What did we do or say that didn't align with who we want to be? By listening to our guilt, we gain valuable insights into our own intentions and behaviors.

Moreover, guilt reminds us of our responsibility. It's that little voice gently reminding us that our actions have consequences. It encourages us to own up to our mistakes and face the music. Taking accountability isn't always easy, but it's an essential part of being human.

But here's the beautiful part—guilt doesn't just leave us hanging. It inspires us to make amends and strive for growth. It's like a catalyst for positive change, nudging us towards better decisions and actions in the future. When we acknowledge our missteps and commit to doing better, that's when guilt transforms into a force for good.

Of course, not all guilt is created equal. There's the healthy kind, nudging us towards growth and understanding. Then there's the toxic kind, weighing us down with unnecessary self-blame and shame. Learning to discern between the two is crucial for our mental and emotional well-being.

So, let's embrace guilt as part of our shared human experience. Instead of pushing it away, let's welcome it as a reminder of our capacity for empathy, growth, and change. Next time you feel that pang of guilt, take a moment to listen. It might just lead you towards a deeper understanding of yourself and others, paving the way for a more compassionate and authentic life journey.

Believe in Yourself

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Have you ever felt like everyone around you has it all figured out while you're still trying to navigate through life's uncertainties? It's a sentiment many of us in our 20s can relate to. But here's a gentle reminder from a conversation I had with my mom recently that I think we all could benefit from hearing:

She shared with me that when you're in your 20s, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that everyone else has it better - they're smarter, more successful, and have everything under control. But as you journey through life, you come to realize that this belief couldn't be further from the truth.

The truth is, not everyone is better than you. Not everyone is doing more, not everyone is smarter, and not everyone has it all handled. It's a realization that may take time to sink in, but it's a valuable one.

So, let's make a pact to stop selling ourselves short. Let's embrace the journey of learning and growth, knowing that we're not alone in feeling this way. Whether you're in your 20s, younger, or older, it's never too late to adopt this mindset.

Let's work on believing in ourselves a little more each day and supporting each other along the way. Because when we realize our own worth, the possibilities are endless. #BelieveInYourself #YouAreEnough


How to Stay Unbothered!

Friday, February 02, 2024

In a world filled with opinions and expectations, staying unbothered can be a powerful tool for maintaining your peace of mind. Here are nine principles to help you navigate through life with grace and resilience:

Speak with Purpose: Choose your words wisely and avoid unnecessary chatter. By saying only what is necessary, you maintain control over your narrative and minimize the risk of misunderstandings.

Balance Emotion and Intelligence: Emotions are a natural part of the human experience, but allowing them to overpower your intelligence can lead to impulsive decisions. Strive for a balance that allows you to respond thoughtfully, even in challenging situations.

Manage Expectations: Lowering your expectations of others can shield you from potential disappointments. Focus on your own standards and goals, allowing others the space to be themselves.

Let Success Speak Loudly: Instead of engaging in unnecessary arguments or seeking validation, let your accomplishments and success be your voice. A track record of achievements often speaks louder than words.

Stop Pleasing Everyone: Recognize that opinions are subjective, and trying to please everyone is an impossible task. Focus on your values, and surround yourself with those who appreciate you for who you are.

Turn Haters into Fans: Remember that not everyone will support or understand your journey. Embrace the fact that even your critics are paying attention. Let their negativity fuel your determination and success.

The Power of "NO": Saying "no" is a powerful act of self-preservation. Learn to set boundaries and prioritize your well-being. It's okay to decline requests that do not align with your values or goals.

Embrace Imperfection: Perfection is an unattainable standard. Instead of striving for flawlessness, focus on continuous improvement and personal growth. Embrace your imperfections as part of your unique journey.

Know Your Truth: Stay true to yourself, and be comfortable with the fact that not everyone will understand or believe your perspective. Your truth is valid, and your authenticity will resonate with those who matter.

As you navigate the complexities of life, these principles serve as a guide to help you remain unbothered, fostering resilience and tranquility in the face of external challenges.