This Kind of Love is like Mercury

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Being friends with me is like being friends with Mercury, the unpredictable planet of our solar system. One moment, we're basking in the warmth of a harmonious friendship, and the next, we might find ourselves in the midst of a disagreement. But let me make one thing crystal clear: I'll never switch it up on you. Our bond stays solid, even when the road gets rocky.

Friendship, like the orbit of Mercury around the sun, has its ups and downs. Just as Mercury experiences extreme temperatures from scorching heat to freezing cold, our friendship may sometimes be challenged by conflicting emotions and perspectives. But here's the beautiful part – I'm committed to staying true to our connection, even when it's difficult.

In this rollercoaster of life, we're not fair-weather friends; we're ride or die, forever. Through the highs and lows, the sunny days and stormy nights, I'm here for you. Our bond is built on authenticity and resilience. We learn, grow, and evolve together, just like Mercury's ever-changing surface.

So, let's cherish this unique friendship. Embrace the unpredictability of our journey together, for it's what makes us stronger. Just like Mercury, we'll keep circling around our friendship, sometimes closer, sometimes farther, but always connected by a gravitational pull of trust and love. 🚀💫 #RideOrDie


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