This is Who I am Today

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Lately, my days have been draped in an overwhelming sense of emptiness. It's not just confusion; there's an indescribable feeling that something is amiss. It took me weeks of soul-searching, navigating through the phases of mood disorders, to finally come to a realization—one that was both daunting and liberating. I need to move on.

The truth hit me like a ton of bricks: it's time to bid farewell to the comfort of familiarity and dive headfirst into the unknown. A real job, hard work, and a fresh start—these are the ingredients for a new chapter. It's not just about finding something new; it's about discovering a version of myself that has long been overshadowed by the monotony of routine.

As I embark on this journey, I find myself yearning for the old me. The one who was outgoing, refusing to settle for a life bound by routines. I miss the version of myself who wouldn't accept anything less than what I truly deserved. The person who was not bogged down by moodiness, bossiness, or a carefree attitude. I miss the old me, and I miss it big time.

In the pursuit of a real job and a more purposeful life, I am not just seeking employment; I am on a quest to rediscover the essence of who I am. It's about shedding the layers of confusion and embracing the clarity that comes with change. It's acknowledging that the past, as comforting as it may be, cannot dictate the course of my future.

This journey is not merely about professional growth; it's about personal evolution. It's about resurrecting the spirit of adventure that once defined me. As I step into this new phase, I am determined to break free from the chains of routine and rediscover the zest for life that characterized the old me.

So here's to new beginnings, to embracing change, and to rediscovering the person I've been missing. It's time to bid farewell to the empty days and confused nights. The path ahead may be uncertain, but within that uncertainty lies the promise of a fulfilling and authentic life. I am ready to work my way back to the outgoing, determined, and happy-go-lucky individual I once was. The journey might be challenging, but the destination is worth every step.


The Art of Discipline

Saturday, January 27, 2024

 In a world where instant gratification often takes the lead, we find ourselves drawn to the allure of motivation – that burst of energy that propels us through the initial hurdles, pushing us to complete the first mile. Yet, it's the often-overlooked companion, discipline, that paves the way for a marathon, ensuring we endure the long and winding road ahead.

Discipline, contrary to popular belief, isn't about adopting a rigid and stern demeanor with oneself. It's not about punishment; it's about commitment. Picture it as the quiet determination that fuels your journey, even when you'd rather hit snooze on your goals.

Embracing discipline is an acknowledgment that there's something larger at play, a vision beyond the present discomfort. It's the decision to act on what you know needs to be done, even on those days when motivation is nowhere to be found. It's the understanding that short-term sacrifices can yield long-term gains.

Now, let's inject a bit of youthful energy into this concept. Imagine discipline as the backstage pass to the concert of your dreams – sure, waiting in line might not be the most thrilling part, but the main event is worth every second of that patient wait.

Think of discipline as the DJ of your success party, spinning the tracks of consistency and commitment. It's not about denying yourself the pleasures of the present; it's about selecting tunes that harmonize with the rhythm of your future aspirations.

Consider the discipline required to master a new skill, whether it's learning a musical instrument, honing a craft, or diving into the realms of coding. It's like being part of an exclusive club where each practice session is a ticket to an upgraded version of yourself.

Yes, discipline demands effort, but it's an investment in the best version of you. It's the realization that every ounce of hard work contributes to a masterpiece in the making – your life's canvas becoming a vibrant collage of achievements.

And here's the beauty of it – discipline doesn't discriminate based on age. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a fresh-faced enthusiast, the principles remain the same. It's the secret sauce that adds flavor to your journey, making it uniquely yours.

So, the next time you feel the pull of procrastination or the allure of the easy route, remember: discipline is your co-pilot on this exhilarating ride. It's the youthful rebellion against mediocrity, the rallying cry that propels you beyond the ordinary.

In conclusion, embrace discipline as the fuel that keeps your youthful spirit ablaze. Navigate the marathon of life with the understanding that the finish line holds a treasure trove of accomplishments. Let discipline be the anthem of your success, playing loud and clear in the soundtrack of your vibrant, youthful journey.

Manifesting and Making it Happen

Friday, January 26, 2024


Dive into the magic of transformation! ✨✨ Ever pondered the incredible journey from mind to matter? 🤔💭 Well, here's the scoop: everything physical was once a spark in the mind. Your thoughts? They're the architects of your reality! 🏰✨

Remember that timeless saying: "If you can dream it, you can achieve it." 🌟 Now, it's not just a platitude – it's your game plan! Turn those vibrant dreams into tangible realities. 🌈💪 

Start today, because every great accomplishment started as a simple thought. 🌱⏳ Your goals are like seeds waiting to bloom into something extraordinary! 🌺🚀 So, what are you waiting for? Take that first step toward manifesting your dreams and watch the world transform around you! 🌐💫 #DreamBig #MakeItHappen #ManifestReality

5 Years Of Memories

Saturday, January 20, 2024

 Dear Bogohaknown Ko community,

Happy 5th anniversary! 🎉🥳 Today, we celebrate not just the passage of time but the vibrant tapestry of our Bogohanon cultural landscape. Over the past five years, our community has grown stronger, and together, we've woven memories and traditions that make us proud to say, "Bogohaknown Ko!"

🌾 Cultural Richness: Our journey has been marked by the beauty of our cultural heritage. From the colorful festivals to the time-honored traditions, each element contributes to the unique identity of the Bogohanon people. Let's continue to embrace and preserve our rich cultural tapestry.

👫 Community Unity: In the heart of Bogohaknown Ko is the spirit of unity. We've stood together through thick and thin, supporting one another and fostering a sense of belonging. Our strength lies in our togetherness, and we look forward to many more years of community bonding.

🎨 Artistic Expressions: The Bogohanon artistic spirit is alive and well! From traditional crafts to contemporary expressions, our community showcases a diverse range of artistic talents. Let's continue to encourage and celebrate the creative voices within our midst.

🌍 Connecting Generations: As we reflect on the past five years, let's honor the wisdom of our elders and nurture the dreams of our youth. Bridging generations ensures that our cultural legacy remains strong, passing down the torch to future Bogohanon leaders and visionaries.

📸 Memories Captured: To commemorate this milestone, share your favorite memories of the past five years using #Bogohaknown5Years. Let's create a collage of moments that define our journey, celebrating the beauty of our community.

🙏 Thank You: A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you who has contributed to the success of Bogohaknown Ko. Your passion, dedication, and love for our community have made these five years truly special.

Here's to many more years of Bogohaknown Ko! 🌟🥂 Let's continue to shine brightly and make our cultural landscape even more remarkable.


Wednesday, January 10, 2024


Guess what, fam? Today, I totally braved it and went through my dad's stuff. Like, who knew this could be the key to unlocking my inner superhero and starting the healing journey? 🦸‍♂️

So, picture this: dusty boxes, forgotten memories, and a rollercoaster of feels hitting me like a tidal wave. But you know what? It turns out that those seemingly regular items held the secret sauce to understanding my dad and, surprise, surprise, patching up my own heart.

In between old pics, handwritten notes, and random trinkets, I found a treasure trove of stories. Not just the happy-go-lucky ones, but the real, gritty struggles he kept under wraps. It was like stumbling upon a guidebook to decode the crazy ride called life.

Sure, it wasn't all rainbows and butterflies. Grief tried to rain on my parade, but within the storm, I found my safe haven. Confronting the tangible bits of his world was like a secret handshake with my own emotions – a handshake that said, "Hey, it's okay to feel, and it's totally okay to heal."

Sorting through his stuff wasn't just about him; it was about me finding closure, figuring out this maze called life, and summoning the strength to move forward. It was like saying goodbye to the emotional baggage that's been crashing my party.

And hey, I'm not the only one going through it. Spilling the tea on this emotional adventure might just be the inspo someone out there needs to face their own feels. Because, let's be real, growing up is all about facing the weird, wild, and sometimes whack parts of life.

Sharing this rollercoaster of emotions feels liberating. It's like I've just unlocked a new level in the game of life, and now I'm here to shout, "Hey, it's okay not to be okay, but it's even cooler to do something about it!"

So, here I am, on the edge of a new chapter. The weight of the unsaid is lifted, and I'm not just surviving; I'm thriving. Because, turns out, healing starts with a dash of courage – opening a box, touching a memory, and letting the magic unfold

Assignment Number 2: Living on Survival Mode

Sunday, December 31, 2023

In the fast-paced and demanding world we live in, many of us find ourselves grappling with the challenges of emotional survival mode. It's a state where we're constantly on high alert, trying to cope with the demands of daily life while dealing with the weight of our emotions. Living in emotional survival mode is an experience that often goes unnoticed, as we become adept at masking our struggles behind a facade of normalcy. Let's delve into the reality of this emotional tightrope walk and explore ways to navigate it.

The Constant Battle:

Living in emotional survival mode can feel like being in a constant battle, where every day is a struggle to maintain a sense of balance. Whether it's the pressure to meet deadlines, financial stress, or the complexities of personal relationships, each challenge adds to the emotional load we carry. It's not just about surviving the external pressures; it's about surviving our own internal turmoil.

The Mask We Wear:

One of the paradoxes of emotional survival mode is the ability to wear a mask of normalcy. We become experts at presenting a composed and collected version of ourselves to the outside world, all the while wrestling with the chaos within. This skill, while a testament to our resilience, often leads to a sense of isolation as we fear being truly seen and understood.

Emotional Exhaustion:

Living in constant survival mode takes a toll on our mental and physical well-being. Emotional exhaustion becomes a companion, and the simplest tasks can feel like insurmountable challenges. The energy required to navigate through the day leaves us feeling depleted, and finding moments of respite becomes crucial for our overall health.

Breaking the Cycle:

Acknowledging that you're in emotional survival mode is the first step towards breaking the cycle. It's okay to admit that life feels overwhelming, and seeking support is not a sign of weakness but a testament to your strength. Whether it's through therapy, talking to a friend, or practicing self-care, finding avenues to express and manage your emotions is essential.

Embracing Vulnerability:

Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is a powerful antidote to emotional survival mode. It's about letting go of the need to appear invincible and reaching out for help when needed. Vulnerability fosters connection, and connecting with others can be a source of strength and support.

Mindfulness and Self-Compassion:

Incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily routine can help you stay grounded in the present moment. Additionally, practicing self-compassion is crucial. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend facing similar challenges.

Living in emotional survival mode is a complex journey, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. It's about embracing the process, learning to navigate the waves of emotions, and understanding that seeking help is a sign of courage. Remember, you're not alone on this journey, and there is strength in vulnerability.


Not Renewing My Friendship Premium Subscription

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

In the pursuit of self-evolution, it's crucial to acknowledge that not everyone will share in your victories. The unfortunate reality is that some individuals may not be thrilled to witness your progress, serving as a reminder of their own stagnation.

Embracing Your Evolution
Your personal growth is a testament to your resilience and determination. As you ascend to new heights, it's essential to stay attuned to the subtle signals of negativity that may emerge from those around you.

How to Triumph Against your Anger

Wednesday, December 13, 2023


Anger is a powerful and universal emotion, often arising in response to challenges, frustrations, or perceived injustices. While it's a natural part of the human experience, learning to triumph over anger is a crucial skill for personal growth and well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore effective strategies to help you navigate and conquer anger, transforming it into an opportunity for self-discovery and positive change.

Understanding the Roots of Anger:

Before embarking on the journey to conquer anger, it's essential to understand its roots. Anger can be a signal of unmet needs, unresolved issues, or unexpressed emotions. Take a moment to reflect on the underlying causes of your anger, as this self-awareness forms the foundation for constructive change.

Practice Mindfulness:

One powerful tool for triumphing over anger is the practice of mindfulness. By staying present in the moment, you can observe your thoughts and emotions without immediate reaction. Mindfulness allows you to create a space between the stimulus and your response, providing an opportunity to choose a more measured and constructive reaction to the situation.

Develop Healthy Outlets:

Channeling your anger into healthy outlets is a key step in conquering this powerful emotion. Engage in physical activities like exercise or practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation. Finding creative and constructive ways to express your emotions can help release built-up tension and foster a sense of inner calm.

Communication is Key:

Open and honest communication is a powerful antidote to anger. Instead of suppressing or exploding with rage, express your feelings in a calm and assertive manner. Clearly communicate your needs and boundaries, fostering a positive environment for understanding and resolution. Effective communication can turn moments of anger into opportunities for growth and connection.

Learn to Forgive:

Triumphing over anger often involves the process of forgiveness, both for others and yourself. Holding onto grudges can perpetuate negative emotions and hinder personal growth. By letting go of resentment, you free yourself from the chains of anger, creating space for healing and positive change.

Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms:

Building healthy coping mechanisms is essential for triumphing over anger in the long term. Identify triggers and develop strategies to manage stress and frustration constructively. This could include establishing a regular self-care routine, seeking support from friends or professionals, or engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation.

Triumphing over anger is a transformative journey that requires self-reflection, mindfulness, and a commitment to positive change. By understanding the roots of your anger, practicing mindfulness, developing healthy outlets, fostering open communication, learning to forgive, and building healthy coping mechanisms, you can pave the way for a more balanced and emotionally resilient life. Remember, the path to triumph over anger is a process, and each step you take brings you closer to a more peaceful and fulfilling existence.

Your Choices Matter

Sunday, December 03, 2023


Life unfolds like a story written with the ink of our decisions, each choice a pivotal plot point shaping the narrative of our existence. Your actions, no matter how small, contribute to the unique story that becomes your life.

As you traverse the journey of life, it's vital to understand the profound influence your choices hold. They are the architects of the person you are becoming and the life you are sculpting. Envision your future self as a work of art, a culmination of decisions made with intention and foresight.

A simple yet powerful guide for your choices is this: "In 40-50 years, will I be proud of myself for that decision?" Picture your future self reflecting on the path you've walked. Will you stand tall with pride, knowing that each step was purposeful and aligned with your deepest values?

If the answer is a resounding "yes," then continue on that path. Keep making choices that resonate with the person you aspire to become. But if doubt creeps in, if the specter of disappointment haunts your future self, it's time for a course correction.

Pause and assess. Ask yourself whether your future self would be disappointed with the choices you are making. If the answer is affirmative, summon the courage to change course. Your heart holds the compass, guiding you toward what you need to be doing and what you should leave behind.

Crucially, resist the temptation to let others dictate your choices. Living up to external expectations can lead to a life unfulfilled. Those who impose their desires upon you won't be there when you face your final moments. They don't bear the consequences of your choices; you do.

Strive to live a life that aligns with your own expectations. Seek contentment within yourself, for in the end, it is your approval that matters most. It's a simple philosophy: shape your destiny with choices that resonate with your true self, and let the echoes of your decisions reverberate with pride as you leave your mark on this world.

Unleash Your Potential

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

In the pursuit of self-improvement, there comes a moment when you realize: "You're getting better." This recognition is the seed of transformation, the first step towards a brighter, more empowered version of yourself.
 Embracing the Positive

Picture this: You're flourishing. Each day brings new opportunities for growth, and you're seizing them with enthusiasm. It's not just about overcoming obstacles; it's about replacing negative thought patterns, habits, and behaviors with positive ones. This is a conscious choice, a commitment to a better way of living.

Deep Reflection

Deep down, you know you can do it. There's an innate resilience within you, waiting to be tapped into. It's about acknowledging the challenges, understanding the root of negative patterns, and choosing to break free. This journey requires introspection, a willingness to confront the uncomfortable, and a belief in your own strength.

Recognizing Your Potential

Do you ever pause to reflect on your potential? You possess a reservoir of untapped abilities and talents. It's time to recognize them, nurture them, and let them flourish. Your potential is not limited by your past; instead, it's a compass guiding you toward a future filled with achievements and self-discovery.

 The Key: Unlocking It

Now, more than ever, is the time to unlock that potential. It's like having a treasure chest within, waiting to be opened. How? By stepping up. Take charge of your journey. Break free from the constraints of doubt and fear. Believe in your abilities, and with each step, watch as your potential unfolds before you.

 Seizing the Moment

Life is a series of moments, and this one is yours. Seize it. Embrace the discomfort of change, for it is the birthplace of transformation. The process may not be easy, but it is undoubtedly worth it. Step by step, you are crafting a narrative of growth, resilience, and success

In the grand tapestry of life, you are the artist. Your growth, your flourishing, your journey—it's all within your control. So, take a deep breath, acknowledge your progress, and step boldly into the future. You're not just getting better; you're becoming the person you were always meant to be. Unlock your potential and let your light shine. The time is now.