Earth Hour

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tonight I am Electing Earth Against Global Warming. By turning off your Lights tonight you can help the cause......


Friday, March 27, 2009

Earlier this week, I tried my luck on being a love expert but clearly I didn't make any sense. My friend didn't follow my advise. I was shocked when I've seen them together with her gold digging "boyfriend". I can't believe that she took another dive in the pool even though she knew that the water is shallow. The worst part was she is now ignoring me. Me and my big mouth right? I felt so left out and alone.

But even though she no longer want's to be my friend, I have no regrets for everything that I told her. I prefer to tell the truth and hurt someone than to tell a lie and make them smile.

So there's no need for a word-war coz that will make everything so cheap!!!!!!!!!!!

Love or Money?

Monday, March 23, 2009

I have a friend who is really confused about a guy she is currently seeing. She asked me if the Guy was really into her or is he only dating her because of her money.

For one, the guy looked so awful, he was like a picture of someone with a scarlet fever and some scars for a face. He had the thickest nerve for making my friend pay up for everything that he needs. I'm tellin you he's a complete and utter "A".

I don't want to burst her bubble just like that, but I don't want her to live a life of lies. So I said Open your eyes and see reality because there are things that we couldn't see because our heart was blocking the view. Sometimes we couldn't view things clearly because we wanted to satisfy what our heart had always crave right from the start, we refuse to accept the fact that he was just lying and we hope that he was telling the truth.

And after all this when we're all sucked up and exhausted that's when we realize that things are not going right and regret sinks in...

There's no one to blame because there's always that part of ourselves that needs to love and be loved may it be for real love or just for money.