Eff YOU!

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

I don't know where to start this post. Should I start with the as*hole or the B*tch that started all this Drama?
So this me telling it all... my side of the story...as I rise from the flames and leaving all this drama behind, I just had to be true to myself and to everyone I know. Summa total, I was just hurting myself for trusting too much, loving too much. I just wished that you guys could see the pain in my eyes so that you'll realize how much I cared.

So what if I told you I love you..baby just don't let it go through your head and act like you own me.. I gave up my love to you but not my soul...

I could finally close this book, not end a chapter, and start a new one.

Never regret! Whether it's good, bad, wonderful, or heartbreaking, it's living at it's most real. Always learn and become stronger for what you've experienced.

I'm screwed

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Because of the drama i've had this week, i forgot to go to someone's party. I'm stupid, I know.

Hisoler Beach Resort with My B*atch Cozin

Monday, October 03, 2011

I don't have words for this. Just be here if you can Afford

A Date With My Betch SESTER and B!

Have you ever got that feelin when you are so down and you just wanna go out and be absolutely stupid and you don't even care? Yes this is one of those days. I texted my betch sester and told her if she wanna kick it and you know she's the easiest prey when it comes to eating, she gladly came and we ended up watching a movie. We ate a lot of things and don't care what will happen coz I'll always be pretty with or without my fats. I don't know about her though.

In this life, I don't care where I go and whose going with me, as long as I have amazing people walking and laughing at all the drama that I've caused. Im good!

It Will Be Better- I KNOW

Monday, September 26, 2011

I didn't know that friends have the capacity to contribute in tearing my world apart. I've never been broken like this.

It's hard to wake up knowing that you are ignoring someone not because you hate them but because they are ignoring you for no apparent reason. I know life is complex and this had pushed things over the edge.

In my 20 years of existence, I've come to realize that life and love could hurt you and even bore you. Sometimes it will make you numb and apathetic in ways you could never imagine.

I know one day, things will be better. The sun will shine, Definitely. I just don't know when


Saturday, September 24, 2011

I had this habit of deleting someone into my life when I'm mad at them. I'm a spoiled brat. I wish it was as easy as deleting someone on facebook, in real life. Its hard.

I'm not a psychiatrist to figure everything out in your life.. I'm not someone who is up for Miss Congeniality to smile all the time and be okay with everything.

Seriously, you came to me and asked for my opinion. If you couldn't handle the truth that's coming out of my mouth then go pay someone to tell you what you wanna hear. I'm done with you and your miserable life.

Same Shyet, Different Day

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

You probably know by now that I'm a sucker for love. I know that its such a cliche when we say to the one we love for the moment "where have you been all my life". And all the things that I do for love is unbearable. The way his image kept on running in and out of my mind when I'm doin nothing. This is bigger than Ecstasy. Well who want's to be lonely when you get old. IKR. So I decided to wait for love to come to me and never ever try to search for it.

I don't know why I post this but I'm dealin with the same shyet every single day. Thats My point