Black Saturday

Sunday, April 08, 2012

stolen shots are much better than poser photographs

As we step outside people had to cover their eyes for the things that's about to happen. You might be fooled by the way we look and how we dress but just so you know we just want to have fun. No matter how you try to figure out how we roll, you just can't. These are the reasons that keep you up at night. 


Get Well the SOONEST Babe: Ernest John Dalag

Friday, March 30, 2012

Last night, as I was about to go on duty, my friend called me that he is having an asthma attack. So I jumped out of bed before panic could sink in to my mind. I rushed to the hospital before him to set up everything. Just when he was nearing the emergency room, I was taken aback by the way he looked and paused for a while. I  had to stop the tears from falling down my cheeks, I gotta be strong for him and Megan. He was diaphoretic, like sweat is flowing like a river from his face and whole body. His nail beds was cyanotic. I know that if we missed a second, we could have lost him. Emergency medications was given to him but his body was responding slowly. We decided to rush him to the city. I went home, took a bath and let the tears fall freely.

I know that God had been calling his angels before Dec. 12, 2012 but not this time babe. Dungan ta ai.. I know your a Bad boy.. Get well soon!

OHH Life!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Life is too ironic to fully understand. It takes sadness to know what happiness is. Noise to appreciate silence. And absence to value presence.