Young By Thoughts!!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Seriously, I really think that I'm just 13 instead of being 20-something. Maybe because of the people I hangout with. Like they are really young and it's really amazing how mature they handle things better than how I run things. They already know that life isn't always roses and chocolates.

How they became a soldier of life and stand up for me when Im so down. I always know that I had their back and it wont matter where I am coz they'll be there. I know that they will dodge life's bullets and put it on a ceasefire. Now aint that sweet??

This is Kevin Sam..17

Daryl 19

Chad 17



Roan 20 and Reina19

With GOD in front, You guys on my SIDE and our Parents on our Back.. What Else can go wrong!
You guys will always be my friend, my hommies, my brothers and sisters...

HAppy Fiesta Sa Amo

Thursday, May 21, 2009

It was April 25 , 2009 when the click hits 9 everybody had fallen in line for that one big happy party. Everybody was crunk and rowdy but its ok... ahhh My rhyming skills sucks...

Well anyways here are some pics with my fat ass.

Thought I was in Disco Heaven but this looks like a Disco Inferno!

Discoral Ni!!!!!!

I love you soo much bebs!!!!!! hahahah

Pa.Lo.od2 ni xa pero nahan ni xa sa personal.. this is emay btw.

With Kevin Sam

Latika and Kevin Sam

The Animal In the Party!!!!!

Wall Flowers

Thank you!!!!!!!

Getting to Know Myself All Over Again

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I thought I already knew myself..but I was wrong. Times tested me to my limits and had me on my knees and beg for mercy. I thought that I'm not capable of loving someone. Though it's so yesterday but that experience made me what I am today. A better, different, brand new, bitchier if that's a word and tougher than Yesterday.

I realized that change is constant and we can't be that same person that we were yesterday. We had to move forward and we should work for it. Work to make ourselves better so that we can be at our best..And certainly I will put a whole new meaning to the words bitch and backstabbing.. I'll make sure of that...

Thanks for keeping up with me when I was so crunky and Irrate.. I appreciate that.. Please stay!...

Random Thoughts

Saturday, May 16, 2009

What does the newest text message in your inbox say?
► "Suncellular chenis.. bout the load thing"
What was the last song you sang out loud?
► PAPARAZZI-Lady Gaga!
What time did you go to bed last night?
►about 4am
When was the last time you cried?
► Last night.. cried myself to sleep.
Who gives you the best advice?
► C Meg
What was the last thing to make you laugh?
What annoys you most in a person?
► Pretenders... I hate them a lot
Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars?
► Yes.. tired of being poor...can I unpoor myself???
Who was the last person you saw in person?
►Mga kaduwa og dota
Have you changed this year?
► Yea.. a lot...
What are you listening to right now?
► Vanity-Lady Gaga
Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
► Yeah.. Ron2
Msg for someone...
► Please don't come near me...
Have you ever played an instrument?
► yeah.. drums.. and i sucked
What's the worst idea you've had this week?
►like a lot.. what i had in my brain might surprise you....
What were you doing at 4 am?
► sleepin
Are you a blonde?
► nope.. brunnette
Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew?
► Yeah.. Sa bus...
Do you think you can love someone without trusting them?
► no
What is something that you're looking forward to?
► Nothin...its hard... made my heart bleed everytime...
Have you eaten popcorn in the last 48 hours?
► nope...
Is there someone who likes you?
►Nope.. and i think noone will
Are you wearing socks?
► not right now....
Who's thinking about you right now?
► Just killing time with this crap
What are you thinking about?
Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color?
►It is
Without naming any names, say something to somebody:
► I love you GOODBYE
How did you and the second in your featured friends become friends?
► C kevin sam?? Childhood friends.. but im a lot older than him.. Neighbors...
Are you happy with the way things are going?
►Not really...
Would you ever get a tattoo?
►Thinking about getting a bar code tat on my nape
Honestly, do you hate the last girl you were talking to in person?
► Nope.. i love my majesty
Where is the person you miss the most right now?
► Idk..
In the last 24 hours have you done anything you regret?
►Yeah.. and dont want to think about it ever...
Do you hate anyone?
►yeah.. i am not really not like this...
Can you watch scary movies?
► ye
Has anyone ever spelled your name wrong?
► always... its double R people
Would you rather have roommates or live alone?
► roomates
Did you cry at all today?
► nop
Have you ever cut your own hair?
► yep...
Have you ever told someone that you loved him?
► Nope.. and no plans...
Is your best friend single?
► yes like recently lng gyud hahaha
What do you want for your next birthday?
► A bf...

I heart Nanay Dionesia

Friday, May 15, 2009

What? I envied her coz she is now sleeping on the lap of luxury with a lifestyle of the rich and famous...

Hey D, If your planning to pull out an Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Stunt, Just wanna let you know that Im up for adoption...